This 30km long, 20km wide steppe is situated south from Mountain Kherlenbayan Ulaan and west from Mountain Kherlen Toono in Khentii province. This is a historically important place where Ikh Khuraldai used to take place and Ugudei, Munkh, Yesuntumur khaans were enthroned as a king. There are several lakes including Lake Khuduu, Lake Toson, Lake Zamag and Lake Tsagaan. 7 small hills-Durvuljin, Suul, Ikh Ulaan Tolgoy, Baga Ulaan Tolgoy, Olon Ovoo and Takhilgat Gatsaa- are situated on a sunny side of Mountain Kherlenbayan. Scientists believe that the place called Doloon Boldog in book of The Secret History of Mongols refers to these 7 small hills.

In 1990, a 4m high Chinghis khaan’s monument was built for 750th anniversary of the book of “Secret History of Mongols”. Standing Chinghis khaan was depicted on a face of the monument and the end note of “Secret History of Mongols” was inscribed on the west side. On the east and north side, cavalrymen along with tribe seal imprints of that time were carved. There are some historical sight such as the Aurag city ruin in Rashaan Dersny Ukhaa and the Aurag spring to the south from the monument. “Khuduu Aral” tourist camp is located 11km north from the monument. Mountain Toono where Galdan Boshigt fought against the Manchurians, can be seen from southeast of Khuduu Aral. Mountain Kherlenbayan Ulaan is situated on northwest of it. Thus, Khuduu Aral was the safest place protected on all 4 sides surrounded by Mountain Kherlenbayan Ulaan, Mountain Toono, River Kherlen and River Sengur.